By Kristan Rojas

The unconditional love that pours from the heart of a parent to his or her child, is the purest, truest, most sacred love experienced in life.

Each of us remembers the instant that we learned about their upcoming arrival.

Each of us remembers the overwhelming bliss and devotion we felt upon hearing their heartbeat or seeing their precious face for the first time.

Perhaps, like me, you felt unworthy or unprepared to foster this perfect being through life because you were new to parenting. Yet, you could not imagine giving this honor to anyone else.

When this pure and sacred bond is formed, we are immersed in perfection. Your son is simply perfect because he is yours. Your daughter is simply perfect because she belongs to you.

There is absolutely nothing that you would not do for this perfect child of yours. Nothing is beyond forgiveness.

Why then, when the unimaginable occurs and our child is no longer physically within our grasp, do we begin to question? It seems so foreign to realize that maybe now it is their turn to guide us.

The unconditional love that pours from the spirit of a child to his or her parent on earth, is the purest, truest, most sacred love experienced in Heaven.

Each of our children now remembers the overwhelming bliss and devotion they felt upon hearing our heartbeat or seeing our precious face for the first time.

Perhaps, due to being new to Heaven, they also feel unworthy or unprepared to watch over us through the rest of our lives. Yet, they can’t imagine giving this honor to anyone else.

This pure and sacred bond transcends all realms and, again, they are immersed in perfection. The father is simply perfect because he is Daddy. The mother is simply perfect because she is Mommy.

There is absolutely nothing that our Heavenly child will not do for us now and nothing is beyond forgiveness.

Each Heavenly child knows about our upcoming arrival and they feel blessed. They are sending us signs to let us know that they are patiently waiting for our arrival into perfection yet again.

To learn more about how we may be able to help you in your time of need, please contact us today by calling 585-629-6660 or sending an email through our contact page.